Based in smart city of Guangdong, INFULL started the business since 2005, with a variety of manufacturing facilities and capabilities throughout its existence, known for our innovated designs, advanced technology, and high quality.
INFULL is not a simple brand, but a relentless pursuit of quality, INFULL helps you the health and beautiful life through flatware and kitchenware.
IINFULL focus on personalized design, hope to bring valued-added services to customers, with novel and fashionable design, keep trying to create intelligent cutlery to lead future demands, as we believe the quality is related to the life of enterprise and the interest of customer which should be concerned at any time.
For the past 18years, we have been pioneering in the development of new designs, combining classic tradition with a perfect contemporary style to produce the most beautifully designed cutlery.
With the passage of time, Our commitment to our products remains strong, with a focus on continuous process and product improvement, making highest quality cutlery, and will continue to be a pioneer in the cutlery industry for generations to come.
And just like that, the @NatlRestShow comes to a close! Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s NRAS a success. We’ll see you next year at the world’s most influential show for restaurants!